مجلة الحياة للأطفال    هاتف ; 048677619

في مؤخرة بطن النحلة إبرة تغرزها

أتى أخو عرقوب يسأله شيئا، فقال له عرقوب: إذا أطلعت هذه النخلة فلك طلعها. فلمَّا أطلعَتْ أتاهُ، فقالَ له عرقوب :دَعْها حتَّى تصير بلحا.



اضافة صور

إِضْحَك بالإنكليزيّة «وَغَشغِش» بالعربية؟


Teacher: What is the chemical formula for  


Balgobin: HIJKLMN

Teacher: What are you talking about

Balgobin: Yesterday you said it was H to O!

Teacher: may it is H2o

 Brinda, age 12, Singapore


Tim: Hey, I know how to make you say underwear. 

Lacey: I bet you can,t.

Tim: Yes I can.

Lacey: How

Tim: Look under there!

Lacey: Under where? (underwear)


A dumb man and a dumb woman go into a restaurant and ask the waiter how much coffee costs. The waiter says hot coffee is $1.00 and cold coffee is $10.00. The man says, «Okay, I want 2 hot coffees.» When the man and the woman get their coffee the man says to the woman, «Drink it quickly before it gets cold and you have to pay more money!»

Kritika, age 9, USA


Snowman: Are you an idiot

Santa Claus: Are you an idiot

Snowman: No.

Santa Claus: Well that's my answer.

Tyrone, age 16, USA



A girl keeps walking back and forth from her mailbox to her house and back. Finally a neighbour spots her and asks what she is doing and she says, «My computer keeps telling me I've got mail.»


Q. What did the cow say to the horse

A. MOOve!

Sarah, age 10, USA


Q. Who goes to bed with shoes on

A. A horse.

Alaviaa, age 8, India


Q. What's the best place to grow flowers in school

A. In kinder garden.

Mikayla, age 11, Canada


Q. What is easy to get into but hard to get out of

A. A bed.

Taylor, age 11, Canada


Q. What do you get from a cow who jumps up and down

A. A milkshake.

Lananh, age 8, USA


Q. If there are 10 dogs, 2 elephants and 15 monkeys all under an umbrella, who got wet

A. I never said it was raining!

Maggie, age 11, USA


Q. What kind of room has no floor, no ceiling, no windows or doors    


تعليقات الزوار


التقرير المالي للعام 2021 - جمعية اصدقاء الاطفال العرب

التقرير المالي للعام 2021 - جمعية اصدقاء الاطفال العرب

العدد 180 من الحياة للأطفال في حلّة الزّيتون 12-2021

Arab children Friends Association جمعيّة اصدقاء الأطفال العرب

التقرير المالي المدقق للعام 2020 لجمعية اصدقاء الاطفال العرب


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هل تحب زيارة موقع الحياة للأطفال؟


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لا يهمني


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